Earlier in the year, I transitioned from a background in Strategy & Operations into Product Management. I came into the year thinking I’ll do more personal writing and peradventure transition into (technical) AI/ML.
Errm, things didn’t work out precisely as I’d planned and fortuitously, I didn’t have so much time to whine about my ‘predicaments’ – so I simply dealt with it and got to work.
10 months later, after several bouts of burnout and stress, I think I’ve kinda killed it.
Last Saturday, I spent 5hrs+ writing two brutal professional exams and I honestly still don’t know which is more surprising; that I survived or that I aced them both?
Truth be told, I simply want to spend the remaining time left this year shipping my first Blockchain Product with a cool startup I volunteer with; complete both my General Assembly Product Management program and UX Design program at California Insitute of Arts. Then, it’s all over!

Next year, while I intend to try again — going deeper into Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning + (Data) Product Management, I’ll sure love to (finally) try out Music & Songwriting; start my graduate program in (Development) Economics, closely researching around Japa [reads: relocation/immigration] and the impact on emerging markets. (or a much cooler or fun dissertation topic)
Till then, I’m due for a road trip and need to take some time off.
Next month, (hopefully) I’m visiting a few cities in WA. I’ve suffered enough. I wanner be a ballleeerr!!